Sunday, February 13, 2022

 Welcome back to those that have done this a VERY LONG time ago!  and welcome to the newbies that are willing to share in this as well!

My sister and I were talking about how we need to find that drive again, that want, that get'er done attitude and not for things we have to do for our families or jobs but for ourselves and this popped in my head and we both thought, 'WHY THE HECK NOT!"

For those that know me, I have a history in fitness and nutrition and even now have certifications for it (thank you school for the last 5 years!)  I wish I could start teaching again but there is a season for everything and until I officially graduate at the end of this year, baby steps is what I will be doing.

That being said, this IS NOT just a purely weight loss challenge.  This is a whole-body habit-forming change. We are not able to take care of others if we are completely drained.  You can't pour from an empty cup and too many times we give until we are just mentally and emotionally exhausted, let alone physically.  

Click thru the pages, read the rules, print out the sheet, if you have questions, post on the FB page and we will answer them.  If you have recipes, share away and I will post on the blog as well.  If you know someone who wants to be a part of this accountability and change in themselves, please let Briauna and I know, and we can invite them as well.  

The important thing to remember is that you are accountable to yourself on the points so don't cheat yourselves.  We can't be upset about the outcome when we are not willing to put in the work, in any aspect of our lives.

We will be starting 20th of February and it will end April 9th.  6 weeks of better choices in all areas of our lives.

We are so excited to be doing this with all of you, I am excited to be able to have a common goal with amazing women that will all encourage and love each other.

Talk with you soon!

Heather and Briauna

Please let us know and we can send you the point sheet as blogger won't let us load :(